December 3, 2019

Whew! An other one done :D.

I'm having a blast with these two and their bickering. I'm also really happy with how that bubble in the top panel looks. I didn't plan it like that, but I was just fooling around with some ideas to help the transition from previous to this page and I ended up with his bubble being popped XD. (Side note: For my fellow Overwatch players, I am only able to hear Neb say "try me" in the voice of Doomfist, hah. Not even mad about it.)

For all new readers, and returning old readers, don't forget there's also the short story: The Dagger And The Mark. My first Spindrift short story, about two characters that we'll meet in the main story as well :D. I'm updating that and the main story in turns.

And if you like what I'm doing, and want to help keep Spindrift going, please consider supporting us on Patreon. There's a bunch of extra content (and my infinite gratitude!) that you get in return for backing. And I'd like to thank all my current Patrons once more, new and old, for enabling me to keep working on this!

So far it still looks like I'll be working on the comic full time this month :D! So, I will see you guys again soon with a new update.

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