Hey all!
Our move was a success, though moving twice in about a month turns out to be pretty hectic (understatement of the year) - who could have guessed!? The result however is there :D. Our new place is starting to feel a bit like home already. And it just feels really good to be back in the Netherlands, close to our friends and family.
My new office is done-ish too, done enough to be worked in anyway (I posted a picture of it -and the mess in it- here in case anyone is interested). The planning-sticky-note-board is back as well :D.
There's still a lot of house-related-work on my plate (I'm building some furniture among other things; the joys of having a specific taste, and no budget :P.) but I'll try to keep future talk about moving, furniture, and powertools to a minimum (though on this, I can make no promises XD).
The real news of course, is that I'll be updating again. I'm still fiddling a bit with how much of a workload precisely I can take on without breaking down, so bear with me while I figure this out. I'm aiming to update every other week for now, and evaluate at the end of this month. Maybe I'll crank it up to weeklies after that, maybe it'll take me a bit longer, but we'll get there eventually.
PS: No, your eyes aren't lying to you. I did in fact change the colors in the last two pages a bit (this worked better story wise) and I fixed a few other mistakes (missing facial hair and things like that XD).