Prologue. (10 pages)Neva Agenar, an exiled Alar, returns to Aureate to beseech her brother for help.
Chapter 1: Aureate. (75 pages)The life of Morwenna Agenar, a half-breed Alar girl, is turned upside down through a series of unexpected events.
Chapter 2: Brokers Vale. (40 pages)Following the catastrophic events in Aureate, Morwenna is forced to become a fugitive. She and her allies must fight to prove her innocence - and discover what really happened.
The Dagger and the Mark. (13 pages)This is a short story set in the Spindrift universe, introducing two characters that make their appearance in the main story in chapter 2.
Guest art, by friends of Spindrift. (12 pages)The work in this section has been made by my friends and artists/comic colleges, to help and make these difficult weeks more bearable. I would tell you guys to send them good vibes and appreciative hugs, but leaving comments and checking out their galleries/comics is also encouraged ;).